Mr. John - BC SPCA
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Mr. John

From the moment Mr. John entered the BC SPCA Chilliwack Community Animal Centre on February 2, 2021,  he started exploring his surroundings without fear. He was super friendly, head butting, purring and melting the heart of every staff person who met him.

A savvy cat family saw the gem that this fellow was and Mr. John left the shelter for his new home in just over a week. Here’s an update from his family on one very contented cat:

Mr. John is a senior kitty who has made our home his! He is so friendly and excels in napping, lap sitting and fastidious cleaning.

Every now and then the inner kitten comes out and he can be seen running up and down the stairs, mauling his toy pom-pom or playing in his cardboard box.

John is also very smart and alert. At times he may pretend to be ignoring the world but an opening cupboard, bird chirp or whisper does not escape his attention.

John likes to spend time with us in the evenings. He is very much part of family movie night and has taken a shine to Lord of the Rings.

A cat makes a home complete. Thank you, Mr. John!

We agree, every home needs a cat! May Mr. John continue to be a valued family member for years to come.

Thank you so much for making the decision to adopt and for recognizing the special joy that a senior kitty brings.

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Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.