Mia arrived to the BC SPCA Victoria Branch in April, 2016. Sadly, she was surrendered by her previous guardian as they had become very allergic to cats.
Mia is a strikingly beautiful cat with lush dark markings and elegant whiskers. She’s also very intelligent, and even though she is over 10 years old, she is still very active and playful. We knew that Mia would make the perfect addition to someone’s family and we were excited when she was ready for adoption.
After a bit of a wait, Mia was discovered by her new guardians at the branch and adopted late in July, 2016. Her guardians have sent us this update of Mia’s adventures:
On a Saturday in late July, my husband and I were visiting all the cats at the BC SPCA Victoria Branch with the thought of seeing if there were any matches for us. We had lost our previous cat to cancer about six weeks prior and were just starting to look to see if there was a personality that could fill the void in our house.
We met with all the cats and fell in love with Mia. She looked worried and anxious when we were visiting her. You could see the emotions all over her. She had been the longest resident at that time and being a senior, we knew that she may be easily overlooked. As we were looking for more of a lap cat, we felt that she fit the bill.
After two weeks in our house and access to the outside patio, Mia has completely blossomed. She is no longer that anxious cat waiting in the cat community room, she actively seeks us out for company and wants to be where we are. She chirps and meows whenever we approach and promptly throws herself on her back looking for some petting.
So far, this is what we know about Mia: she loves roasted chicken, eats like a trucker, and she LOVES the mornings. She is happy to dance on us and sing when the sun is up. She also loves sleeping on all things soft, be that laundry, people, or the many blankets we’ve put out for her. Finally, she loves to lay in the planter boxes, drink from the bird bath, and watch the birds.
Mia really is a hoot and we love her! We hope that anyone who is looking to adopt a cat will not overlook these wonderful seniors who still have so much to offer as a companion pet.
A big thank you to the staff at the BC SPCA who helped us through the process. It is readily apparent with everyone we met that they only have the animal’s best interests at heart.
We’re very sorry to hear of the loss of your cat. It is always a very difficult time to lose such a wonderful companion. We’re so happy to hear that Mia is cheering everyone up and settling in so well. Thank you so much for making adoption your first choice and giving Mia, the senior cat, such a comfortable and loving home.