When Maggie, a young adult tabby cat at the BC SPCA Cowichan Community Animal Centre, was first adopted and returned just a few days later, we knew there was a reason she came back to us—she hadn’t found her forever guardian.
Then, along came Maureen. Since adopting Maggie in early 2020, they have been inseparable. Maureen has shared an update with us on her feline pal:
“We adopted Maggie in February 2020. She had previously been adopted and returned after a few days because her guardian developed allergies.
Since coming home with me, Maggie has settled in very well. She has a lovely, sweet disposition. In the 21 months she has lived with us, I have never heard her hiss.
Maggie likes to pose for her photos. She also enjoys sitting on her chair to be brushed—all I do is get out the brush and she’s immediately on the chair.
Maggie does not have a straightforward way to ask to go outside. If we are still awake when she wants to go out, she checks all the exits (basement, sunroom and kitchen) and if they are all closed, she starts to meow and pluck the doormat to get our attention. During nighttime, her favoured method is to pluck the side of the bed.
If I am working in the garden, she has to be with me to help. Maggie often appears out of nowhere as soon as I start working.”
Thank you, Maureen, for adopting Maggie and for providing her true forever home. We certainly see just how well Maggie has taken to living her life with you, from lounging in the sun to claiming your leg as her rightful sleeping place. We wish you many more happy years of making memories with Maggie by your side.
Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!