Lincoln and Louie - BC SPCA
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Lincoln and Louie

Lincoln and Louie were found living outside in conditions no animal should ever have to face. In early 2024, they came into the warmth of the BC SPCA Richmond Community Animal Centre.

A bonded pair of Flat-Coated Retrievers, Lincoln and Louie were afraid and unsure whether they could trust humans after everything they had been through.

After five months in care, much medical treatment and lots of positive socialization, Lincoln and Louie were beginning to understand that they were finally safe. With this, it was time to find them a new home.

Little did we expect that their adopter would come from out of province! After Facetime meet and greets and lots of planning, Charleen flew all the way here from rural Alberta to come spend the weekend with Lincoln and Louie.

After spending that weekend together, there was no looking back. Charleen had fallen for this beautiful pair. Eventually, Lincoln and Louie joined their new guardian on a flight home. They have been doing great and love their new yard and family.

Thank you, Charleen, for choosing adoption as your first option. Not only have you demonstrated your devotion by choosing to adopt a bonded pair of young dogs who require much attention, training and socialization, but you also came all the way from Alberta to meet and adopt them.

We are so thankful for your commitment to Lincoln and Louie, and can see how much they are already loved in their new home. We have no doubt that you will help them grow into the best versions of themselves. We wish you many adventures and memories to be made together over the years to come.

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Resources for dog guardians

Caring for dogs

How do I welcome a new dog home?

Tips for 5 common dog training challenges