Lily - BC SPCA
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Lily was one of four puppies found as strays at a home in Kyuquot and all were brought into the BC SPCA Campbell River Branch to be cared for. It was anybody’s guess what breed these little black balls of fluff were, but one thing was for sure; they were cute as anything.

Barely a week after being in our care Lily already had lots of interest in her, but it was one person who won over Lily’s heart and her name is Joliene.

Joliene took the time to send us some pictures and an update on how much Lily, now Bella, has changed her life and her priorities.

Her name was Lily when adopted (changed to Bella) adoption date July 2010. Bella has changed my life in so many ways. I never thought I could love her as much as I do; and it only get stronger by the day. She has been there through thick and thin, and always a joy to come home too. Bella is so much like a person, very smart and so very loving. She is definitely a perfect addition to my heart.

Bella has shown friends, family, and strangers how much a dog can be a joy and how loving they can be no matter what breed. She has been such a joy to train and to teach, yes it gets hard at points. But its worth it! I’ve had to learn that it’s no longer myself that I need to take care of, and I need to think of her happiness and health.

I would like my life no other way than to put her happiness and health on my top priorities. I adopted her at eight weeks,  she was black with a little brown and looked like a tiny black bear, she has grown into so many different colors, built her own personality, and definitely has her own look. She is one BIG snuggle pup and is always up for cuddles.

People say all the time that they can see an inseparable bond between me and her. She is my best friend, and am so happy that I could save her life, as she has changed mine forever. She has adapted so well in my life that I couldn’t imagine going 1 day without her. I knew she was the one the moment she ran into my arms 🙂

It is always great to hear an adopter telling us how much an animal has changed their lives for the positive, it’s what we strive for every day. Thank you so much to Joliene for making adoption your first option and for taking the time to raise this little girl into the lovely lady she is today.

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.