Often the animals who’ve been living the roughest lives make the most gentle, devoted companions. Such is the case with four-year-old Joe here. Joe probably had never had a home when he came into the BC SPCA North Cariboo Community Animal Centre on May 30, 2024 in the arms of a compassionate citizen who had been feeding him from time to time.
Joe had the parasites, wounds, infections and dirty, knotted coat common to cats living in the outdoors (see below, Indoor Cats vs Outdoor Cats). Once he was shaved, healed of all his ailments and neutered, he was taken by the Drive for Lives animal transfer program to the BC SPCA Tri-Cities Education & Adoption Centre shelter where he would meet more potential adopters.
Through all of this Joe showed a gentle, calm disposition. And on June 15, he showed it to a lifelong cat lover who wanted to add the joy of animal companionship to his life again and to the life of his son. Joe had found his perfect match.
Read below for Joe’s happy new beginning:
“My son and I lived in a basement suite in Poco for 16 years and we were not allowed any pets. So in April 2024 we moved to a unit that allowed small pets. That’s how we ended up at the BC SPCA.
I was the second one in the door as soon as they opened that day. I was asked if I’d like a kitten, but was leaning more towards an adult so when I went in to the adult cat area.
I noticed our cat, Joe, more or less just minding his own business. When the volunteer took him out of the cage and he came out and I started to pet him, it was love, lol. He’s a medium build cat and if he were a person, he’d be short and stocky. Because his coat was quite matted up when he came in he had a haircut that made him look like a lion.
He talks so well and communicates with my son and me all the time. As I was bringing him home in the car he was so calm, he wasn’t scared, he took to the home nicely. He is still a great talker.
For me it has been probably 30 years since I had a cat; however growing up, I was never without. The one thing that is very different is now we have all this social media, I can look things up and learn about our pet. l find that is awesome.
Joe spends his time with my son and me equally, lol. I swear, if one of us goes out of the room for a minute Joe is there and asks where’d you go? He always has something to say.
I’m sooo glad we got him. I can’t put into words really just how much we love him, and he certainly reciprocates that love.”
What a beautiful story of redemption for dear Joe. We believe that sometimes the toughest survivors are best at showing their gratitude for finding a safe and loving home like yours. It’s like they know they’ve hit the jackpot they likely longed for all along.
Thank you for bypassing the kittens that day in June and adopting a true treasure. What a great before and after anyone can see here! May all three of you “guys” enjoy many more years together.
Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!
Resources for cat guardians
How do I know if my cat loves me?