Elfie - BC SPCA
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Elfie was five months old when she came under the care of the BC SPCA Maple Ridge Branch in November 2016. She was a stray New Zealand bunny with a sweet demeanour and charming personality, and we hoped to find her a forever home to match.

After a couple of months, Elfie was transferred to the BC SPCA Surrey Education & Adoption Centre where we continued to learn more about this adorable rabbit. She was always friendly and ran up to greet any guests she had, thoroughly enjoying the attention she was given.

She was very active and was looking for a forever home with a large area she could roam around and explore.

She was potty trained to use her litterbox and liked to exercise her mind, which made further training by her future guardian as an option. Most importantly, she was looking for a forever family to give her lots of love and care.

In March 2017, her new guardians found her and brought her home. They sent us this update:

Elfie is doing really well!

We are all in love with her except for the cats who only “like” her so far!

She looks genuinely happy with us and the kids. Doing lots of binkies and eating and pooping well!

She loves to be petted, brushed and kissed.

Because she had been so good with using her litter box, she is free to go anywhere in the house. However she seems to prefer staying in the playroom close to her “things”. So funny!

I’ve included a few pictures. Thank you again.

That’s lovely to hear she has fit in so easily with her big, new family. Even with her cat siblings!

We are really happy for her and it sounds like she’s having a blast exploring the house. It’s great that she has so much room to hop around.

Thank you so much for giving her a second chance at a forever home and for making adoption your first choice.

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.