Cheerio - BC SPCA
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Our feline companions have a huge impact on our lives—just as we do on theirs.

When Sonny and his parents adopted Cheerio from the BC SPCA Nanaimo Community Animal Centre in July 2022, they weren’t sure how he’d settle into his new home.

It seemed that Cheerio was deprived of nourishment in his life before coming to the shelter, but Sonny did everything he could to make sure Cheerio never feared this would happen again. Throughout the past year with his guardians, Cheerio has surely been letting his guard down and his true purrsonality is shining through.

Now, Sonny has written to us with an update:

“Today marks one year since we brought Cheerio home. Our lives have been forever changed.

Cheerio has proven himself to be the sweetest, most affectionate cat ever. He is glued to us at the hip and is always curious about what we’re doing.

Recently, we were able to retire Cheerio’s slow-feeding dish. He is no longer frantic with food because he’s confident he will be fed each mealtime. He is also not emaciated anymore and has grown into a hefty, healthy boy.

Despite that, Cheerio is still super food-motivated and will go nuts over a Churu, fresh chicken or anything really. He sits at our feet with one paw raised begging for whatever we’re preparing, even if it isn’t food.

Cheerio has never scratched, bitten or hissed at us. He doesn’t have a single bad bone in his body.

A local outdoor cat occasionally comes to our back door, growling and lunging at Cheerio through the glass – but Cheerio sits and watches excitedly, showing no signs of aggression, only curiosity and what appears to be a desire to be friends.

He checks the door daily to see if his ‘friend’ is around. I don’t think he understands that the other cat doesn’t like him!

Cheerio is the sweetest little dude around and we’re very lucky to call him part of the family. Not a moment at home goes by when he’s not by our side. He is a very expressive and silly guy.

Cheerio lights up the house with joy. We have so much love for him and he has just as much love for us. Cheerio is the greatest thing to happen to us.”

Thank you, Sonny, for adopting Cheerio and for giving him all the affection he deserves and the stability he needed. With Cheerio now being safe and so well nourished, you have given him a second chance at life where he can truly thrive. We love that he is the centre of your world and the heart of your home. We wish you many more years of making happy memories with Cheerio.

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!

Resources for cat guardians

Caring for cats
How do I know if my cat loves me?
Indoor cats vs. outdoor cats

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.