Boots & Jimmy - BC SPCA
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Boots & Jimmy

Bonded pairs are always adopted together because they depend on each other for play, affection and to feel safe in new environments.

It is generally more difficult to find homes for bonded animals because most families are just looking to adopt one pet.

Tammy had her eye on one cat at the BC SPCA Shuswap Branch but when she saw how attached Boots was to Jimmy she knew they would both become part of her family.

Tammy writes:

In March of 2013, I’d finally convinced my partner that we needed a furry friend to enrich our lives and so, after researching on the BCSPCA website, we headed out to the Shuswap branch to meet Natuzzi (now Boots).

As mentioned by the shelter, this kitty was bonded with another cat (then Sealy, now Jimmy) that had come in with what was known as the Armchair Cats (they had been found living in and around an abandoned armchair on an old forest road).

Although we had decided to only invite one kitty into our home, when we arrived, they were cuddled up so tight that we couldn’t bear to separate them!

Boots and Jimmy

About a month later they were both diagnosed with Feline Leukemia which devastated us, but six years later (we just celebrated our adoptaversary on March 23rd!) they are as happy and healthy as ever! In celebration, we just had a catio delivered which they can enjoy this summer.


At one point, they were the happy recipients of a monthly subscription toy box, which quickly became far too many toys then they could ever use. So recently, as I’m a volunteer cat companion at the Chillwack SPCA, I’ve been able to donate a large bag of cat toys for all of those furry friends to enjoy. It feels extra special when I’m able to see the stray and surrendered kitties enjoying the toys that my boys couldn’t make use of.

I have a sense of great appreciation for the positive influence Boots and Jimmy have had in my life and do whatever I can to make sure they feel respected each and every day!

Boots and Jimmy

Thank you Tammy for choosing to adopt Boots and Jimmy. These feline friends will enjoy hanging out on their new catio this summer and watching the world go by together.

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!