This big, beautiful girl is a Cane Corso and her name is Athena.
Athena and her buddy, a Great Dane, were surrendered to the BC SPCA South Okanagan/Similkameem Branch on July 3, 2014. Athena was two years old. The dogs were well loved in their previous life, but their owner was unable to find housing that would allow such large dogs.
A large, athletic, friendly dog, Athena came to us with a bit of hesitancy around strangers and men. Her right match would be a family who understood her breed and who had the experience, confidence and knowledge to allow her to thrive as part of their family.
It wasn’t a week before Athena caught the eye of the right people. By July 11, she was on her way to her new home. Here is an update on Athena from her forever family.
It was just meant to be.
Just over six years ago, I was scrolling thru the BC SPCA adoption site. In previous years when our children were young we adopted a Shepherd cross that we adored.
Fast forward 15 years and the kids are gone and we are dogless. We spotted Athena shortly after she was surrendered to the Penticton location. We promptly submitted an application, as many others did too I was told.
We had volunteered for a handful of years at the Richmond location providing overnight fostering for dogs. I was able to drive up for an interview and meet and greet and was thrilled when our application was accepted.
After an initial settling-in period, we have never looked back. Our friends have always said they want to come back as one of our dogs. Athena is a big girl and now at eight years of age is starting to slow down.
She still loves her daily walks, reminding us when it is time if we happen to forget. She often lays out in the sunshine just below our bird feeder and watches the activity around the feeder.
She enjoys a few good dog friendships and was smitten with the arrival of our first grandchild. We did not know if she had ever seen a baby before, as she was two years old when we adopted her.
We are semi-retired now, and once all this COVID stuff settles down my husband and I with Athena will be off on many new adventures together. She enriches our lives daily and we are so lucky to have her in our family.
We love to hear these stories. And it’s particularly exciting to get an update several years after an animal leaves our care.
Six years ago, you and Athena really did find your perfect fit. We wish you continued joy in your upcoming adventures.
Thank you for volunteering your time to the BC SPCAÂ and for making adoption your first option.
Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!