Proactively protect farmed animals - BC SPCA
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Proactively protect farmed animals

British Columbians are demanding transparency and accountability for the care of farmed animals. However, there is no proactive, independent compliance system to monitor, enforce and report on the welfare of over 22 million farmed animals raised in B.C. each year.

Last year, the BC SPCA participated in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food’s Farmed Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, along with farmers, meat processors, veterinarians, researchers and representatives from the National Farm Animal Care Council.

Although the Committee members shared different experiences and perspectives, they reached a consensus on what needs to be done to improve the welfare of farmed animals in B.C.

The Committee recommended that the provincial government create a new inspection and enforcement function within the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to respond to complaints of farmed animal distress, conduct proactive inspections to make sure minimum animal welfare standards are being adhered to, and publish an annual report on animal welfare in B.C.

The Committee also recommended that the new provincial agency should: 

  • Identify farms that are not affiliated with industry organizations and make sure they are aware of and complying with minimum animal welfare standards,
  • Improve animal welfare during transport and processing,
  • Better protect farmed animals from climate change and during emergencies,
  • Increase the number of farmed animal veterinarians in B.C., and
  • Invest in a One Welfare approach to address farmed animal welfare and farmer well-being together.


We’ve asked B.C.’s political parties to implement the Advisory Committee’s recommendations in their entirety and with sustainable funding to improve animal welfare on B.C. farms, increase public trust in local agriculture and support farmers.

Will you call for better farmed animal welfare in the upcoming election? 

Please share this campaign and ask others to sign up to show their support. Campaign supporters will receive tools to help them advocate directly to B.C.’s political parties and election candidates in the fall.