Audrey Jean Newell - BC SPCA
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Audrey Jean Newell

November 2, 1928 – March 9, 2023

Audrey Jean Newell

Audrey Newell loved animals and generously gave to the BC SPCA to help them whenever she could. She would go out of her way to greet animals when she came across them, and always worried about their welfare. Audrey could not bear to hear about any animal suffering.  

Some years ago, Audrey had her own small dog named Susie, and Audrey always enjoyed spending time with animals that belonged to her nephew and nieces. 

In her later years in a residential care home, Audrey’s favorite days were those when animals were brought to the facility to visit.  

Audrey would be happy to know that her gift as a Forever Guardian contributed to helping animals in need.