Suzie - BC SPCA
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Suzie came into our care at the BC SPCA Richmond Community Animal Centre in February 2024. At the time, she certainly needed to start a weight-loss journey, but Suzie made it quite clear that she also needed affection—all the time.

We were happy to oblige.

Suzie quickly became a popular member of the shelter. Each of our staff looked forward to seeing her every day.

She often spent time on harness walks and roaming the hallways at the shelter to get in her daily exercise. Suzie’s adopters fell in love with her just as fast as we did! She went home with her new guardian, Brian, in April 2024.

At home, Suzie continues to lose weight. She loves hanging out on the bed, couch and chair. Brian, Suzie’s adopter, has let us know she is a cuddle monster and noted she is always looking for pets.

Suzie loves being out on the balcony, especially on days when the sun is out. She enjoys sunbathing and listening to the birds sing.

Thank you, Brian, for choosing adoption as your first option. We are so pleased that Suzie is being showered with all the affection her heart desires.

We are thrilled that Suzie has found her second chance in a home where her new guardians are devoted to helping her live the best, healthiest life she can.

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!

Resources for cat guardians

Caring for cats

How do I know if my cat loves me?

Indoor cats vs. outdoor cats