Ozzy - BC SPCA
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On November 18, 2023, this charming fella was surrendered to us by his owner on the grounds that he was too much responsibility. At a year and a half of age, he had not been neutered, had untended skin, ear and eye irritations and was friendly but unsocialized.

Ozzy went into a foster home while his conditions were resolved and he waited for his neuter. In the meantime, someone had their eye on him on our website.

We found him a lovely mix of playful and chill. There was nothing wrong with his personality, but this guy would need a family who would be prepared to manage a dog of his size and strength.

Did he ever hit the jackpot with his perfect match, who took him home on January 23, 2024. They wrote to share how he is settling in:

“In January, we crossed paths with Ozzy through his profile on the BC SPCA website. Adopting an older, larger dog felt like the right choice for us, knowing they often linger longer at the shelter compared to puppies and smaller breeds. Initially wary of his size, our apprehensions melted away the moment we met him in person.

My family instantly fell for the lovable giant. Ozzy, a 96-pound American/British Bulldog with striking brown and white markings, quickly earned the endearing nickname of our “house cow”. He’s an affectionate soul who revels in the company of people, loves car rides, spirited tug-of-war sessions and his newfound canine companions: a Boxer/Lab mix, Retriever mix and even a Chihuahua!

Ozzy is a gentle old soul, brimming with curiosity and always happy to see you. Despite initial uncertainties from the BC SPCA regarding his compatibility with cats, Ozzy has proven to be great with our three cats. Even though they are still adjusting to his presence, harmony is gradually settling into our household.

He is great walking on the leash and already knows a lot of commands. While he enjoys strolls, his heart truly lies in romping around the backyard with his puppy pals–a blessing during our chilly, rainy BC winters.

One of Ozzy’s charming quirks is his fervent love for boxes. Empty or full boxes, he’s absolutely enamoured with them! If we happen to set down our grocery bags, Ozzy wastes no time in selecting the nearest box and gleefully tearing it apart.

The adoption process was seamless, the adoption package provided a lot of information and the added security of six weeks’ worth of complimentary pet insurance was great.

The staff at the BC SPCA Cowichan Community Animal Centre were wonderful and readily available to address any queries or concerns. We can’t thank them enough for accepting our application and allowing us to give Ozzy the best life possible.”

We can’t imagine a better place for sweet Ozzy to have ended up than with your human and furry family. You’re right; not everybody is equipped to take on every breed of dog. But it looks like your boy now has everything he needs and more for a long and happy life.

Thank you for choosing to adopt this gentle giant.

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