Cash - BC SPCA
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We love to hear about companion animals who left our shelters years ago to join their new families. It affirms that we have made a good match for a “forever home.”

Here is a note we received from the family of Cash, a Chihuahua mix who was adopted on June 27, 2013:

“We adopted Cash ten years ago from the BC SPCA Kelowna Community Animal Centre. He was a very timid, shy dog at the time and roughly five to seven years old.

He is still going strong ten years later. Since having him he has become a very loving family dog. He loves his mini masters and enjoys sleeping his days away now at his old age ( 15- 17 years! ).

Included are pictures of him over the years.”

One of the reasons we do what we do at the BC SPCA is to ensure that animals who were once in our care have been given the chance to be part of a family where they can give and receive joy. And that is clearly the case with Cash.

Thank you for choosing to adopt all those years ago.

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!

Resources for dog guardians

Caring for dogs

How do I welcome a new dog home?

Tips for 5 common dog training challenges


Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.