We are grateful that you are looking into securing future care for your furry family members, and are considering entrusting The BC SPCA to assist you, should something happen to you, and you were unable to be there for them. Â
The BC SPCA is proud to have offered the Pet Survivor Care Program for the past 20+ years.Â
Please note: Enrollment in the Pet Survivor Care Program is now paused, while we develop a new, streamlined and refreshed program under a new name!
We felt it was time for an update to simplify the program with a focus on the most important parts – giving you the peace of mind of having a plan in place, while ensuring the highest standards of Animal Welfare in the care of your beloved furry family member(s) should the need arise.Â
If you are an existing Pet Survivor Care Program member your agreement will remain in force and be honoured per the terms of your enrollment, even after the new program is rolled out!  If you have any questions about your enrollment, please contact us by calling (604) 829-9189, or email estates@spca.bc.ca.Â
Find more information on leaving a gift in your will.
Receive notification when our new program launches! Â
If you would like to receive information on the New Program, which will be replacing our Pet Survivor Care Program, please fill in the form below and we will add you to our list to be contacted once our new program launches:Â Â