If you’ve experienced the unconditional love of an animal, you know how life-changing that bond can be. From the soft purr in your ear, the wagging tail at your side, or that familiar gaze from the couch that says, “I love you. Our furry friends bring warmth and joy to our lives in ways words often can’t capture.
Right now, the sad reality is that many families are struggling to keep that love in their lives. With rising costs, pet food and supplies have become out of reach for some guardians. It’s devastating to think that some people are forced to consider giving up their beloved companions because they simply can’t afford to feed them.
Today you have the power to provide a loved pet with nourishing food and your kindness will keep families together this winter!

As you can imagine, the BC SPCA’s network of pet food banks are a lifeline for families in need. Through animal centres and partner organisations, food and supplies reach families across the province, ensuring pets are fed, loved, and safe at home.
One devoted pet guardian, Jo, shares just how important this service is to her and her kitty, Prudence.
“Like many, I have a very small income. As a responsible pet owner, I have to ensure Prudence has food, litter and vet care. Some think low-income people shouldn’t have pets because we’re poor, but life is tough right now and the world seems like a scary place. Having a pet to come home to and love makes everything easier. The people I know would rather go without food than not feed their pet. I cannot imagine my life without my Prudence – she is the joy in my heart!”Your love can keep animals like Prudence in their loving homes this winter.

This year alone, BC SPCA pet food banks have fed more than 34,700 pets, distributing 78,871kg of dry pet food – and that’s just the beginning. I know the numbers can be hard to get your head around, but behind every statistic is a family like Jo and Prudence. Thanks to kindness like yours, these families can stay together, beloved pets thriving in the safety of their own home, and hearts filled with love.
With the compassionate generosity of people like you, Jo doesn’t have to worry about Prudence’s next meal. “With the program, I can use the saved money to buy her more wet food – she eats a lot! – and toys to play with, so she can be a happy kitty.” Your kindness today could make the same difference!

No one should go hungry this holiday season. If you’re able to, please think about donating some kibble to keep a struggling family together this winter.
With your help, families won’t have to choose between feeding themselves or their pets. They’ll spend the holidays together, safe, loved, and supported by this incredible community—YOU.
Your kindness today is more than just kibble, it’s hope, love and a lifeline for families in need. A reassuring hand for someone who is struggling right now – what an amazing gift to give a stranger and their pet today.