Search Results for: deer
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I found an injured wild animal, can it be helped?
…facilities to provide full rehabilitation services. Call your local RCMP or Conservation Officer Service if you see adult deer/elk/moose/bears injured on roads. Read more about how to rescue wild animals….
Alyce Linda Thomas
…this, and came to trust her gentle voice and hands. She loved to feed the wild rabbits, attract hummingbirds, and spot deer in the winter. Shortly before the illness that…
Wild at heart – 135 species treated at Wild ARC in 2022
Got the cold weather blues? Wild animals do too!
Life-sized driftwood sculptures coming to Victoria in support of wild animals in need
Beloved songster rescued: Wild ARC admits 40,000th patient after two decades
National welfare work for animals
…dairy cattle, veal calves, laying hens, meat chickens, turkeys, meat rabbits, pigs, mink, foxes, sheep, horses, goats, farmed deer and bison. The BC SPCA also serves on the Canadian General…
Compassionate conservation
Ethical wildlife photography – how photographers can keep themselves and animals safe
BC SPCA position statements
…Deer Wild and Exotic Animals in Zoos, Aquariums and Other Permanent Captivity Wild and Exotic Animals Kept as Pets Wild-Domestic Animal Hybrids Wildlife Feeding Recreation and entertainment Animals in Recreation,…
Pets and wildlife don’t mix – how to keep them safe
…and safety protocols, the following wild animals are not accepted at Victoria Center: bats, deer fawns, wild Eastern Cottontail rabbits, domestic feral rabbits, and adult river otters, mink, beavers, weasels…