For many of us, our animals make our lives whole. We cannot imagine our day-to-day lives without our furry companions by our side.
Sometimes it is our other pets who inspire us to keep going as we experience loss.
For Clinton and his twin brother Orison, their cats are everything. Clinton truly had his partner in crime in his cat, Tiger Wood.
After Tiger Wood’s passing in the early summer of 2020, Clinton has kept a Facebook page as a means of community space for everyone who loved Tiger Wood’s big purrsonality and adventures.
Clinton has written to us to share some insight into their lives with Tiger Wood:
We live in a cat-friendly home with three cats. All of our cats live indoors and are all neutered.
I lost my 15-year-old ginger domestic short-haired kitty, Tiger Wood, five weeks ago. This has left a huge hole in my heart. We were very close.
I have made a Facebook page as a tribute to Tiger’s life. He was great on leash and he loved car rides. Tiger was well known at many businesses and care homes. We even visited two different people in a hospice house.
Tiger Wood came with us when my twin brother Orison adopted Freddie about two and a half years ago at the BC SPCA Kelowna Branch.
Thank you, Clinton and Orison, for opening your home and for adopting a number of felines in need over the years. We can see that your cats live life to the fullest, and have brought joy into the hearts of so many people. Thank you for giving such a fulfilling home to Tiger Wood, Freddie and any other feline lucky enough to meet you.
Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!