Read Sokka's (aka Baxter) adoption story
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Sokka (aka Baxter)

Baxter, a two-month-old, German shepherd/Labrador retriever cross, was surrendered to the BC SPCA North Peace Branch on November 3, 2015 because his original owners had too many dogs.

Little Baxter was only in the shelter for three days before an adopter found him to be a perfect new addition to their family. They took him home on November 6, 2015 and gave him a new name–Sokka.

Now over two and a half years old, Sokka is happily settled into his forever home and his family has shared an update:

Our loving pup Sokka (formerly Baxter) came into our lives shortly after the unexpected passing of our lab cross, Max (also adopted from the SPCA).

We got very lucky the day the SPCA called us and said this sweet eight-week-old pup was ours.

He’s such a loyal, loving dog and he helped us work through our grief for having lost Max so suddenly.

As a pup he was a massive ball of energy and at almost three years old, he still has the same energy!

We have had some great luck with his health. He is wonderfully healthy but does have some allergies that need to be managed.

He has a hard time around other dogs, something we are working hard at to help.

I can’t imagine life without him. He’s really quite smart and is definitely in for a game of fetch or a nice walk, but he’s totally happy to be a home body.

We are so happy to call this boy our puppy.

When we love an animal, like your family so clearly loved Max, we can never replace them in our hearts. But we can find a new, eager recipient of the love and devotion we so long to give to an animal companion.

And they give it right back, in spades.

Thank you for choosing adoption as the way to fill that void in your hearts and find a new darling with whom to grow in love. There are so many wonderful animals in need of a good home like yours.