Rocco - BC SPCA
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While it’s incredibly exciting to us when we receive an abundance of applications for the canine pals in our care, we understand it can be hard on the hopeful adopters.

Needless to say, Brittany and her partner were over the moon when their adoption application was accepted at the BC SPCA Victoria Community Animal Centre in February 2021.

Their dog to be was Rocco, an energetic young Husky in need of a lot of adventure and a very loving home. Brittany and her partner were thrilled to provide this for him.

A couple weeks on, Brittany wrote to us to share an update:

We had been looking to adopt a furry friend to make us a family, so we decided to adopt through the BC SPCA.

At first, we felt discouraged because it seemed like every dog we wanted kept getting adopted out.

Then, one memorable day, we got a phone call while we were on our way to an adventure up island. We got the dog!

Excitement filled our hearts as we were told the next steps. We picked him up the next day. We were so eager to meet our new baby. We have had him for two weeks now and it’s going great.

Rocco is a total goof. He has a very bubbly personality and a kind heart. He is only a year old so we have a lot to work on with him.

Currently he barks and jumps at other dogs, barks when he gets too excited and pulls while on a leash. However, we know there is nothing we cannot get though together.

Rocco is very smart and learning very fast. He has already improved on walks. He knows how to sit, shake, lie down, fetch and he is fully house trained.

He loves to make us try and fetch his toys for him. His favourite toys are sticks and tennis balls. Rocco is definitely a husky—he is very vocal but we don’t mind.

We have so many adventures planned for this summer with Rocco. We are very excited to take him to the lake because he loves the water.

As we were walking along the beach today, we met his foster parents. They were very sweet and so happy to see him. What a small world.

We are very honoured to have Rocco in our family and he is doing wonderfully.

Thank you, Brittany, to you and your partner for choosing adoption as your first option. Thank you for persevering with the adoption process until you found your perfect match in Rocco. We are so excited to see him living out his best life with you. We wish you many more years to come full of fun.

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.