Miss Isabel (Izzie) - BC SPCA
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Miss Isabel (Izzie)

Taking on a dog with a complicated history is not a decision to be taken lightly.

Dale was working as a volunteer at the BC SPCA Vancouver Branch when we seized dogs from a puppy mill earlier in 2019. Dale committed to fostering Izzie, a pregnant Bichon Frise.

Totally out of her comfort zone, Dale was pleasantly surprised when Izzie knew exactly what to do with her newborn pups. Watching Izzie nurture and love her babies ignited a passion in Dale, who couldn’t help but fall in love with Izzie.

Unsure whether she was ready to adopt Izzie, Dale took some time to figure out if it was the right step for her.

However, being apart from Izzie even for just a small amount of time proved that she had already made up her mind. Izzie was meant to be hers.

Officially a “foster fail” as of October 2019, Dale has written to us with an update:

My journey to my furever companion has been full of curiosity, challenges and mostly love! I had been a volunteer at the BC SPCA Vancouver Branch for a few months with the cat wellness program when they needed a foster for Izzie, a pregnant Bichon who had been a part of a puppy mill seizure in Chilliwack, BC.

Even though this was so far out of my comfort zone, I stepped up to foster this little mama. She was due any day. I couldn’t bear the thought of her having her puppies in a shelter.

The birth of Izzie’s pups was so exciting. She had four little bundles. I called them my little tic tacs. I was worried that I wouldn’t know how to care for them but she did all the work.

I wondered whether I should take the plunge and become a “foster fail”. I’d always had cats in the past.

I took a week of holidays to make my decision. When I returned, I went to visit Izzie at another foster’s home. As soon as I saw her, I was filled with love. At that moment, I knew that she would become a part of my family.

Izzie spent her first two weeks under my bed. Little by little, she has started to trust me. Every day brings another challenge but we will go through it all together.

Thank you, Dale, for choosing to adopt Izzie. It is a big deal to take on the unknown and take care of a dog for the first time. It makes us so happy to know how Izzie won over your heart and it appears that you are winning hers as well. We wish you two many more years together building a beautiful companionship.

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