Adorable Eva came too close to becoming a sad statistic in our province’s cat overpopulation problem. Born to a feral mom in Northern British Columbia, she was one of eight kittens in her litter and likely one of hundreds of felines struggling to survive in her own locale.
Thanks to the action of a concerned citizen, Momma and her babies came into the care of the BC SPCA Williams Lake & District Branch on September 22, 2018. Unfortunately, three of the kittens were already too sick and weak to survive. They might all have died had they not been saved from the many dangers of living outdoors and come under the watchful eye of our medical staff and our invaluable foster guardians.
Little Eva was among the five who pulled through. It wasn’t long before we found she had neurological damage that affected her rear legs. Despite her trials, Eva took a tight hold of a human heart and on December 7, 2018 she became a cherished baby in a loving home that wanted her badly.
This is Eva’s story, sent to us by her forever mom:
Eva was a kitten at the BC SPCA Williams Lake & District Branch who had suffered and survived a bad virus along with three or four of her siblings. Sadly, some of her siblings did not survive.
Eva, my little survivor, was left with neurological issues. She walked with a wobble.
I was in Australia for work and one morning my husband called and said, “There is a cat that has neurological problems. She is not being adopted, probably not really wanted and has some difficulties walking.” I started crying and right there, I knew in my heart she was mine!
I came back to Canada within a week and we arranged with the shelter to hold Eva for us. We drove all the way up to Williams Lake. I wanted Eva in my arms as soon as possible. I wanted her. I truly did.
As we were close to the city, I was so nervous someone would adopt Eva. I even called the Branch to tell them we were on our way. I knew we had the perfect house for her, and she would be the happiest kitten ever.
We got there. We saw Eva and I just wanted to bring her home. I heard her purr, and OMG I fell in love with her even more. We had a super comfy bed in a big cage for her. We drove all the way back to Vancouver with me in the back seat with Eva.
Once home, Eva’s eyes couldn’t believe there was a window with a cat tree, a tree outside the window that had a ton of birds to watch, two brothers and a sister (from different parents, all from the BC SPCA), amazing food and lots of toys.
Eva’s life changed in an instant. She was allowed to sleep with us and decided we were it. She would sit in between our feet most of the time and we were her protection and love.
Eva has been with us for two years. She is the most loved and spoiled cat ever in our household. We have had eight babies, but there is something soooo special about Eva, that life would simply not be the same.
She’s our joy and pride. She is the best fetcher ever. She owns her own bed and gets brushed daily.
Simply the best love one can have.
We are overjoyed to know that Eva will never have to know how harsh her life could have been. All she will know is warmth, treats, soft beds, entertaining birds and the overflowing love of a family, which she deserves.
Thank you so much for continuing to choose adoption and for making this innocent animal’s life so safe and happy. May Eva fill your hearts with love and pride for many years to come.
Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!