Elwin & Beatrice - BC SPCA
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Elwin & Beatrice

Quite often, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes to get our companion animals into good homes, even cute little munchkins like Dude here.

Animal Control Services of the City of Prince George saved three-week-old Dude and his two siblings and their one-year-old momma from a difficult life and contributing to pet overpopulation when they brought them to the BC SPCA North Cariboo District Branch on May 9, 2018.

The family stayed together in one of our foster homes until the babies were old enough to be weaned from their momma. Momma and babies were spayed and neutered as soon as possible, vaccinated and transported to the BC SPCA Burnaby Branch where they would have more exposure to adopters.

At the shelter they were monitored by staff and volunteers until, by the end of June, they had all been matched with good forever homes.

This is the story of Elwin Walter G. as shared by his new mum:

Elwin Walter G. was adopted from the BC SPCA Burnaby Branch on June 23, 2018.

My other cat, Beatrice Mabel G., was continually looking forlorn and lost since we moved from a townhouse into a single family home.

At our previous place of residence Beatrice had befriended a cat by the name of Rolland Maxwell Cinnamon and they were inseparable. Either he was at our house visiting Beatrice or unbeknownst to me she was at his home. The resident there had a cat door. 

When we moved from the townhouse, for weeks Beatrice would just sit on her scratching post and watch the birds and day go by. She wasn’t even eating. I knew she missed her companion.

I decided to adopt another cat (kitten). I went to the BC SPCA Burnaby Branch in the hopes of adopting a particular kitten that I had seen online, but that didn’t work out. I was told to have a look at the other adoptive cats. 

Well, one in particular caught my attention, Dude. Very active and vocal in his cage, I opened the cage and out came Dude. Purring and meowing and never keeping still. I thought he would be the perfect companion for Beatrice.

It turned out that Elwin Walter G. is the highlight of Beatrice’s day, whether it be Elwin wanting to play in his favourite box, or chasing Beatrice up and down the stairs, at all hours of the night!

Beatrice Mabel G.’s mood and behaviour were literally transformed within days. All because of the tiny little black companion we all call Elwin Walter G.

Elwin and Beatrice both go outside on leash and have great, safe times. Elwin has a special little growl, more like a roar, when he gets the zoomies and Beatrice sits back and watches it all! Elwin is like a tiny live jaguar lurking in our home.

When my husband and I are downstairs and the kitties are upstairs playing, we both say, “ooh, thunder and lightning are at it again,” as upstairs you can hear them running around and chasing each other.

What with myself having a debilitating disease, Crohn’s, if I am having a rough day, Elwin and Beatrice are always by my side to make my day feel a lot better.

The first night Elwin was here, my cheeks were so sore from laughing so much at the antics Elwin Walter G. was getting up to. He knew he was free now from his cage and could do whatever he wanted and deserves.

My cats are my children and are excellent at creating a happy and beautiful atmosphere.

Adopting animals of any kind, I think, is the best medicine for anyone!

You won’t get an argument from us on that opinion. In turn, we believe there’s no better medicine for a companion animal’s soul than a safe and loving home like yours.

Thank you so much for once again choosing to adopt  – we understand Beatrice was adopted from us, too. Here’s to much more joy and laughter!

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.