We don’t know the history of this beautiful kitty, Camille, before she was adopted on January 29, 2010, but this much is certain: she was a gem, as you’ll discover in reading this story we received recently from her forever family.
I walked into the cat room one chilly day and a little female came out of hiding and stood on her back legs to gently brush her cheek on my hand. When I glanced back down, the sweetest grey tabby was sitting beside me, purring and expressively holding my gaze. She picked me.
Our daughter was ten months old, the same age they estimated the cat formerly known as Camille to be. They quickly became best friends.
Camille never scratched or bit our intrepid explorer, and would run to her side any time the little girl cried, even right into the bathtub or onto the trampoline, quickly turning the little girl’s tears to giggles. When the human toddler wasn’t feeling well, the only way to keep her still was to place Camille on her lap, and ask her not to discomfort The Cat.
Camille was part of all of our routines, dutifully purring at our girl’s feet for storytime every night, and patiently tiptoeing out when she fell asleep.
Through ten wonderful years our loyal companion was a wordless confidante, attuned therapist and companion for every Sunday sunbeam and weekday coffee. Through losses in the family, the divorce, relocation and health scares her purr and loving presence completed our family and filled a void that I didn’t know existed.
I could not have wished for a sweeter first friend for my daughter, or someone to leave her nest by the fireplace and appear to purr on my sore ankle on cold winter nights.
Adopt, don’t shop, your furry soulmate exists and deserves another chance to be part of a family. Walking in to the BC SPCA North Peace Branch to get picked by Camille was the best choice that I ever made.
What a wise and loving soul you had in dear Camille. She truly played a big role as a member of your family. Thank you for choosing to adopt, and for showing all of us the value of a feline companion.
Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!