Bennie - BC SPCA
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When it feels like the right time to add a feline companion to the family, the connection can be instant.

This is exactly what Keanna and her boyfriend felt when they saw a photo of sweet little Bennie on the BC SPCA Facebook page in the summer of 2020.

It didn’t take long before they visited the BC SPCA Kamloops Community Animal Centre. Once they looked into Bennie’s handsome amber eyes, they knew it was meant to be.

It has now been several months since his adoption and it sounds like Bennie truly found his purrfect family.

Keanna has shared an update with us:

In August of 2020, my boyfriend and I were sitting at home during the middle of the COVID-19 lockdown.

We decided to take a look at the BC SPCA Facebook Page and that’s where we found our little man—a tiny seven-week-old orange and white kitten.

At the time, his name was Arnold. He was so adorable. We knew from the minute we saw him that he would be a great addition to our family.

A few days later we got to bring him home and he was such a happy little guy. He brings so much happiness and love into our lives.

After getting to know him, we changed his name to Bennie because he loves when we play Elton John’s song “Bennie and the Jets”.

Bennie now has a loving home and two dog friends he adores very much. He also enjoys all of his toys and likes to carry his ball around everywhere he goes.

He spends most of his days playing, following Mom and Dad around, playing on one of his many cat posts, watching out the window and snuggling anyone and everyone around him.

Bennie has grown up from a small scared little kitten to a confident little man. We love him so much and always will. He is now seven months old and thriving. We love our fur baby.

Thank you, Keanna, to you both for choosing adoption as your first option and for giving Bennie a home so filled with all the love and affection he deserves. We are so happy to hear how well he has settled into his forever home. We look forward to hearing about him growing up and the happy memories you’ll make together over the years to come.

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!