Search Results for: deer
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Gardening with deer – Tips and tricks for enjoying your garden and the deer
Wildlife help topics
BC SPCA Stance on the Sidney Island Ecological Restoration Project
Deer acting weird? They’re in a rut!
Adenovirus hemorrhagic disease (AHD) confirmed in B.C. deer
Position Statement on Urban Deer
The winter woes of winterkill in deer
A deer has been injured, can it be helped?
B A deer has been injured, can it be helped? If you have found an injured deer fawn or believe a fawn may be orphaned, call our Animal Helpline at…
I found a baby deer alone in a field/garden/backyard – do they need help?
B I found a baby deer alone in a field/garden/backyard – do they need help? This deer fawn doesn’t need help – he’s hiding quietly until mom comes back. Every…
BC SPCA opposes deer cull in District of Oak Bay, B.C.
The BC SPCA has reached out to the mayor and council of the District of Oak Bay, B.C. in opposition to the proposed deer cull in the region. You can…
All tangled up – is your yard safe for wildlife?
BC SPCA reiterates concerns about deer cull in meeting with Oak Bay staff
There is a cull happening in my community, can you stop it?
…solve human-deer conflict. Communities should aim to prevent conflict by educating residents about coexisting with urban deer. Culling is an inefficient, short-term solution and should not be a default practice….